

a r_e_c_u_r video sampler extension circuit – custom keypad & midi controller

SKU: P007 Categories: ,


the c_l_i_k_r circuit is an extension circuit for my existing raspberry pi project r_e_c_u_r – although this circuit will function as a stand alone midi+keypad controller it is mainly intended to be used with r_e_c_u_r

r_e_c_u_r was originally designed to be controlled with a specific type of cheap usb numpad – as the project matured these numpads became inadequate for the job so i decided to try design a custom alternative. on top of providing push buttons for triggering r_e_c_u_r’s discrete actions, c_l_i_k_r also gives knobs and cv control over continuous parameters such as shader effects and patterns.


– 20x tac-switches for discrete control
– 4x knobs + 4x cv inputs for continuous control
– firmware can be configured to send midi messages or keyboard presses

this project – like everything in the underscores catalog – is fully open-source hardware – find all the source plus lots more information and guides on the github repo:

Additional information

Weight 150 g
video format

n/a – extension

input type

4x cv (0-5v)

output type

usb-midi, usb-keypress

power supply

5v over micro-usb from usb host