
a few foundations of analog video on breadboard – an interactive six part online course

things have seemed a bit quiet over on the research side of underscores lately – and not for lack of a (growing) backlog of interesting diy projects that we want to release !

introducing Polyphase Portal

its partly because i’ve been putting more time recently into an exciting side-quest: polyphaseportal.xyzan educational focused online space and media-art collective

together with some friends, organizers and educators we are creating a new online space to host educational programmes such as talks, live-streams, workshops and multi-week courses. taking encouragement from the success of PHASE SPACE in NYC we are aiming to facilitate accessible non-hierarchical learning over open and ethical technology – find out more at & join the polyphase mailing list to stay in the loop!

a few foundations of analog video on breadboard

which brings me to the next announcement – im teaching an online course !

you can read more about it and join the class wait-list on the Polyphase Portal here

no prior experience or specialized equipment is needed – this course will focus on the practical side of building modules on breadboards – you will receive a course materials kit in the mail that includes all the parts and components we will use.

the course makes use of this custom vga_breadboard_module pcb to interface between vga signals and the breadboard.

one day i hope to make this circuit and the corresponding course material kits + module designs available in the shop as stand-alone products you can build and learn from independent of this online course – but for now if you are interested you should sign up – it will be fun!