
new product – two_point_one_colorizer in stock now

i am happy to announce that the two_point_one_colorizer circuit based on Rob Schafer’s design is in stock now!

it is currently available as a diy kit or fully assembled and tested unitbare pcbs will also be in stock soon (when my next pcb order comes in)

you can find all the source – schematics, gerbers and documentation on the project github page

theres some more written info about this circuit in an earlier post i made here

im not quite ready to stock front-panels in the shop yet – partially because im still working on how to expose interface parts like the slide switches that sit below the panel – however panel blueprints are available as files for those who want to diy some.

i will make a dedicated intro/demo video for this circuit some time in the coming month – in the meantime however you can see a demo of it in action in this artist talk:

finally i wanted to share some images captured from this circuit (these are all directly into a cheap easycap capture card) – in particular some examples of when it glitches / breaks (due to providing out of spec video):

some of these were captured while i was experimenting with different kinds of monostables to generate the colour subcarrier frequencies – you can see where the oscillations are too slow to be interpreted as colour as start to be interpreted as changes in brightness. i recommend using ic sockets for the parts U9 & U10 so you can experiment with this also!