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new product – _rotary_ : cv fader module for V-4 video mixers
back from hiatus – restock & enclosure kit offerings
- 24-25 summer hiatus
new product – artnet_led_mapper – an application for creating addressable led installations
new product – the lateral_led_controller is in stock now
new product – tv_wall_mapper – an application for creating tv wall installations
buying an oscilloscope for building and testing diy video circuits
new product – two_point_one_colorizer in stock now
a bug found in _transcribe_ code
get tickets for my interactive online course building analog video synths!
- restocked & back from hiatus !
- updates & summer hiatus
designing and fabricating front panels for pcbs (using kicad and lightburn)
introducing the two_point_one_colorizer
a few foundations of analog video on breadboard – an interactive six part online course
recurBOY update
sync_ope psu revised
sync_ope psu reverie
silent-launch set for oct_16_2022